A blue print of Pakistani Magna Carta..!
My dear countrymen, AoA. I take this opportunity to earnestly appeal every Pakistani living in Pakistan and abroad to kindly join hands in forcing all the politicians (in government and in the opposition) to shun politics from the development of Pakistan, for the sake of our coming generations. Our country of 220 million population can […]
SOS appeal to António Guterres for action to save the entire humanity..!
Excellency António Guterres Secretary General United Nations Organisation New York. Sir, This is well in your knowledge that the Indian government is not paying any heed to the calls/appeals of the United Nations, the other world governments and the world Human Rights Organisations, to immediately stop NAZI style holocaust (in the shape of 35 days old […]
Avoidable suicide terrorist attacks – A proposal of the year 2010
Terror Menace – Wayforward Posted at www.snayyar.com by Syed Nayyar Uddin on December 1, 2017 in Counter Terrorism, Daily Quote, My Views, Pakistan, Terrorism | Edit | Subscribe Subject:- Involve 22 crore Pakistanis to fight the terrorism The President of Pakistan The Prime Minister of Pakistan All Parliamentarians of Pakistan Entire Leadership of Pakistan All […]
How not to be ousted – A recipe for the ruler
A lesson for ALL rulers in arrest of 30 years President of Sudan Omar al-Bashir (75 years of age) that protest against rising prices ultimately results in arrest of rulers of even 3 decades. Must remember that there was a direct link between toppling of even a stable government and the rising prices, which breaks […]
Right of retaliation – What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
Mr. Prime Minister Pakistan as its “normal” now that some of the G-20 countries support any attack in RETALIATION of a “terror” incident [not withstanding the fact that it may be a False Flag operation] wherein, particularly France and the USA fully approved Indian attack on Pakistani territory on 2/26 and thereafter, obviously, on the […]
Do not leave New Zealand alone..!
Terrorism is the scourge of the world and must be eliminated with all the strength at our disposal. The decision of the some of the ICC members not to play cricket in Pakistan (on the pretext of security situation) after the 2009 incident of attack on the bus carrying Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore, was […]
A clarion call to American leadership..!
A Clarion Call To The President of the United States And the Entire Civil and Military leadership of the United States Dear Sir/Madam, The news that USA’s National Security Advisor has informed India about supporting India’s right of self-defence, is really alarming and may incite India venturing into any misadventure against Pakistan, which surely and […]
How to revamp Police in Pakistan?
21 January 2019 Police System – Recipe for Re-Vamping under CPEC five year plan How to Improve the Decadent Police System in Pakistan? Respected President of Pakistan Prime Minister of Pakistan All Senators All Members of the National Assembly All Members of the Provincial Assemblies of Pakistan All Pakistanis from every walk of life. اسلام […]
American war – Pakistani sacrifices for free?
Just a misleading propaganda, where all the concerned knows that CSF payments are NOT aid, but reimbursements for use of GLOC facilities through Pakistani area, by the US and the NATO Forces. Moreover, for Pakistan such unfriendly acts by the US governments are not a surprise. Few decades ago they not only confiscated F-16 planes […]
How to combat economic terrorism within Pakistan?
One is baffled by the fact that how the Afghani currency (73 to a USD) is about 46% expensive viz a viz PKR which is currently trading at 130 to a USD? If the value of currency is measured in absolute terms, then as per latest world gold rates one gram gold is quoted in […]