Why PTI government is punishing its own voters?

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on January 21, 2019 in Action Plan to Revive Pak Economy, Corruption, Daily Quote, My Views, Pakistan |

In December 2017 gas bill, the rate per HM3 was Rs.874.95 and in December 2018 it has been increased to Rs.3213.26 per HM3.

PTI’s leadership always had the audacity to tell us that the PMLN government consisted of thieves, dacoits and nincompoops and that the PTI government is pro people, which will recover this looted money from inside and outside Pakistan; and now instead of fulfilling its promise, PTI government and its Finance Ministry has found an easy way of straightaway recovering the gas theft amount, by punishing the general public to pay for UAL (unaccounted for gas losses which is actually gas theft), instead of deputing the Rangers, to nab the mega gas thieves.

Such anti-people decisions of PTI government, will soon turn the tables on their heads.

Moreover, any gas theft cannot and never be possible without the connivance of the officials of the Gas companies, who should be arrested and tried in the military courts.

Moreover, another easy solution to stop ever increasing burden of utility bills over the general public is to promulgate a law, whereby, right from the President of Pakistan down to the lowest rank government and public officials like senators, MNA’s and MPA’s etc. everyone should be mandated to pay his utility bills from own personal account without any facility of reimbursement, as part of pay package.

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