A Pakistan for the masses not masters..!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on June 25, 2018 in Action Plan to Revive Pak Economy, Corruption, My Views, Pakistan, Politics, World Bank Affairs |



Basically amnesty schemes are for the rich of the rich by the rich.

These schemes are offered to legalise mega economic crimes of the ultra-rich, in the poor countries falling in the category of Banana Republic: and are never offered, in the developed nations, where the rule of law is supreme.

In fact, in the poor countries the first thing the big wigs do is to get the amnesty scheme immediately legalised from the parliament and the judiciary.

In this regard, writing off of mega bank loans of the rich and mighty defaulters is also an amnesty for the ultra-rich persons of the society.

Never ever, huge educational fees, fat medical expenses and high utility bills (which includes payment by the poor of the share of theft charges of the utility facilities by the rich and mighty) have been waived off for the poor, in Pakistan, by any government.

In typical Banana Republics the huge and sprawling residences and production units of the high and mighty, invariably indulge in thefts of utility facilities and taxes with issuance of SRO’s, the burden of which, is passed over into the bills of the poorest of the poor, even living in the ghettos: and to cover up their smart moves, a propaganda is unleashed that very few persons pay taxes in the country.

Further, the hitmen of the Banana Republic excellently use their brains to serve their masters and befool the masses, by ingenious ways of deception.

In this regard, the previous government of PMLn found two genius masters/ministers who reduced the amount of Pakistan’s government debt and poverty, respectively, with just a stroke of pen, by changing the definition of total government debt and arbitrarily amending the status of poor living below poverty line, by a Royal Decree that those earning less than one USD per day will only be considered poor in Pakistan of PMLN’s government, instead of the internationally accepted yardstick of two USD per day.

If we calculate the losses suffered by the country due to the issuance of SRO’s by the previous PMLN’s government, the nation will be surprised to know that it may open a Pandora’s box of biggest ever financial scam of the country.

Moreover, like devaluation of currency, the amnesty schemes, theft of utilities, issuance of SRO’s and loan waivers increases the number of poor persons living below the poverty base line: and similarly increases the number of persons legally living above the ultra rich category, who only pay 10% of the tax revenue compared with 17% share of the poorest 10% in Pakistan, just because indirect taxation is above 80% and direct taxation less than 20% in Pakistan.

The gist of the above analysis clearly explains that Pakistan must immediately get itself unleashed from the policies of the hitmen and develop a homegrown politico-socio-economic system specifically designed to serve the masses not the masters.

Best Regards,

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad

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