
Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 23, 2024 in Uncategorized |


Yet another defeat and setback for the Indian Foreign Ministry, which may ultimately force the Indian foreign minister to resign.

India was defeated and again failed when Japan refused to mention the name of Pakistan in joint statement of third Japan-India 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Meeting in New Delhi on 20 August 2024.

Here it is once again reminded that the name of Pakistan was very much there in the 19 March 2022 Japan-India joint statement, but after I wrote directly to the Japanese PM in very strong words on 20 March 2022 [ Link:- ] the entire paragraph of Joint statement of 19 March 2022 [ Link:- ] was REMOVED from the next Japan-India joint statement of 8 September 2022. [ Link: – ]

Although, in the 20 August 2024 joint statement the full paragraph is repeated about terrorism, yet, India miserably failed to force the Japanese officials to mention the name of Pakistan in the latest 20 August 2024 joint statement, as with the Blessings of Allah (SWT) the impact of my letter dated 20 March 2022 to the Japanese PM is still holding the ground [ Link provided above].

The paragraph # 9 of the Japan-India joint statement of 20 August 24 is reproduced below, where India FAILED to convince the Japanese officials to mention the name of Pakistan, as was the case with the joint statement of 19 March 2022, where Pakistan’s name was specifically mentioned:

Para. 9


“The Ministers unequivocally condemned terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations, including cross-border terrorism, and called for bringing the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai, Pathankot, and other attacks to justice. They called for concerted actions against all UN-listed terrorist groups including Al Qaeda, ISIS/Daesh, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and their proxy groups, and to take resolute actions to root out terrorists’ safe havens, eliminate terrorist financing channels, and halt cross-border movement of terrorists.” Unquote.

Link: –

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad

+92 321 9402157


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