Corruption Bites : Callousness With Pakistani Hajis

Posted by admin on November 15, 2010 in Corruption |

Prime Minister of Pakistan must immediately dismiss and order the arrest of Minister & Secretary, Religious affairs for all the hardships (not even water & tents are available & Hajis are forced live on roads) being faced by Pakistani Hajis in Saudi Arabia and for bringing disrepute, to the name of the country.

Actually, government high ups always challenge to prove any case of corruption, knowing fully well that the corrupt never leave any receipt, as its proof. However, corruption always explodes with a bang either in the shape of a fallen bridge or Hajis left high and dry, in the Holy land of Saudi Arabia.

May be it is also a fit case for Suo Moto action.



  • Sanaa Khalid says:

    Corruption is now in every segment of the society as well as individuals…

    • TANVIR-A-SHAIKH says:

      Actually sanaa’s statement reflects her disappointment on each and every segments of the society, with the reasons that corruption has deeply penetrated and is increasing day by day in every Government department; as almost every individual of the responsible office(s) claims gratifications as his fundamental right. But contrary to this, now-a-days every person among us intentionally or un-intentionally takes it as his right of wrongdoing, due to one or another reason.

      If we do not realize our social as well as national responsibilities in time, then this evil will be further penetrating into every segment of the society, in the shape of nepotism and favoritism; or subverting its merit policies until or unless, we will not raise over voice against this evil, with full force collectively, without considering our personal interest.

      Every one wants impartial justice, but practically we do not want to remove obstacles which are creating hindrance in its existence.

      We shift this burden on the others shoulders because practically we are accepting these anomalies.

      we should be practical and act like a responsible and sincere citizen of Pakistan.

      lets’ fight against this evil collectively, with great courage and make all possible efforts to remove this cancer before it goes out of control.

  • I further intent to elaborate my version by adding a few lines of Holly Quran as follow as “Urdu
    جان رکھو کہ دنیا کی زندگی محض کھیل اور تماشا اور زینت (وآرائش) اور تمہارے آپس میں فخر (وستائش) اور مال واولاد کی ایک دوسرے سے زیادہ طلب (وخواہش) ہے (اس کی مثال ایسی ہے) جیسے بارش کہ (اس سے کھیتی اُگتی اور) کسانوں کو کھیتی بھلی لگتی ہے پھر وہ خوب زور پر آتی ہے پھر (اے دیکھنے والے) تو اس کو دیکھتا ہے کہ (پک کر) زرد پڑ جاتی ہے پھر چورا چورا ہوجاتی ہے اور آخرت میں (کافروں کے لئے) عذاب شدید اور (مومنوں کے لئے) خدا کی طرف سے بخشش اور خوشنودی ہے۔ اور دنیا کی زندگی تو متاع فریب ہے
    If we as being a True Muslim should act upon the order of almighty Allah with true letter and spirit then the affection with the mortal world should become slowly be eliminated so every morrow day will carry a dozens of happiness we should have to ignore hallucination and produce good impression ,further more , we should be ready to help the others gratuitously ,this is true meaning of life. What you say…………………………..

  • Robin Blette says:

    Love your site man keep up the good work

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