How To Easily Resurrect Pakistan’s Economy

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on May 21, 2011 in Action Plan to Revive Pak Economy, My Views, Pakistan |

The degree of the sovereignty of a nation is  directly proportional to the state of economy of that nation. Actually, in constant growth & development lies our salvation. Secondly, we Pakistanis must know  without any doubt, that the easiest and surest way of moving ahead, is to stand on our own feet. Foreign aid, can keep us afloat, but won’t allow us to swim.


Biggest factor in any victory is self confidence. Anti-thesis of terrorism is education, coupled with economic emancipation.


As such, the nation must embark upon the following agenda, to resurrect our economy without any further loss of time.


1. Request to all foreign donors for a 5 years moratorium, on all debt repayments by Pakistan. 


2. 20%  per annum reduction in all non-developmental government expenditures, plus total freeze in all perks paid from the national exchequer, involving foreign currency. 


3. Increase in productivity & exports with liberal tax relief to industry, commerce & trade.


4. Set a target for 20% per annum  increase in foreign remittances, by offering innovative incentives to expatriate Pakistanis.


5. Abolish FBR (which will alone increase income by Rs.500 billion) & impose flat 10% tax on all & every type of income, withour any exemption (except for the security forces personnel, whose salaries should be doubled with receipt of un-precedented increase in revenue, due to this formula). This will not only reduce income tax burden on salaried class ( with max. tax rate of 10%) but will also result in so much increase of revenues that government will not require any tax imposition  in the budget. Plus, the government will be able to give tax free salaries to all armed forces, rangers, police and other security agencies personnel, who are shedding their blood, in fighting the menace of terrorism, for our safe tomorrow.


6. Initiate steps (by imposing economic emergency) to bring each and every economic activity under document.  

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  • Siraj Ahsan says:

    Sir can you expand on Point No. 1 how will we achieve it and why will they accept it?

  • Imran Majeed says:

    I like your article , but the point 5 of Abolish FBR –

    I would rather say we should initiate the strong campaign to have “Tax by all”

    all parliamentarians then government officials should bring their money inside the country to give the confidence to the investors

    land tax should be formulated with common consensus

    energy projects with china should start

  • sir,
    all south asian countries are not financially healthy,yet being ancient civilisation,ruled by various kings and dynasties our age tradition is penchant for Gold.all our Asian countrie have gold holdings with there citizens,temples,trusts etc.if this gold is rightly brought into open disclosure,the gdp shall multiply manyfolds.governments should bring various gold disclosure schemes,it will help boost economy.

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