Political cricket..?
Another Indian secret agency RAW’s agent (Anurag Thakur, Secretary BCCI) opens his mouth again and says India will not play cricket with Pakistan, if it harbours Dawood, continues dialogue with Hurriyat.
As already informed few weeks earlier, BCCI and its Secretary are veritable arms of the Indian secret agency RAW; and the ICC and the world cricket boards, must immediately act to ban him from holding any official cricketing office in India or anywhere in the world, before it’s too late and the whole world of cricket is polluted, politicised and finally doomed.
In the mean time, Pakistan will also not play vs India, till Samjhota Express burning criminals are punished & India harbours Ajit Doval (Indian National Security Advisor) the terrorist who admitted his own acts of terror in Pakistan. His video is available on the google. Link:- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2e7c0o_ajit-kumar-doval-talking-on-taliban-issue-he-is-indian-national-security-adviser-to-mr-modi_news
ICC should also immediately decide to move the next T20 World Cup 2016, scheduled to be held in India.