World Bank Have a Heart & Don’t Joke With Hungry People

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on April 28, 2013 in Corruption, My Views, Pakistan, World Bank Affairs |

Today on 28th April, 2013 again the World Bank and the UNO have asked the question that how to end the poverty from the world?

My Reply

Since, a recent study tells that countries which took loans from WB & IMF have experienced increasing suicide rates, there is hardly any answer required to the question, that; what it will take to end the poverty?

Moreover, who else know better than WB, IMF & UNO that 90% of the loans given to poor countries by the WB & IMF etc., is taken back in the shape of consultant fees and other such charges. In the end, the poor loan recipient countries hardly get about 10% of the benefits from your loans and they pay back 100% of the loan with very heavy interest charges as well.

The biggest proof of the failure of your policies are that you give fresh loans to repay the old loans.

During Musharraf era, there was a shocking news that in one particular loan case, it was conditional to hire the wife of the WB country chief, as consultant; and Pakistan was forced to pay her fees at an exorbitant rate equal to 65% of the total loan amount. No action was done by your anti-corruption department against that country Chief of Pakistan.

Your extremely hard/harsh loan terms are killing the poorest of the poor people in many ways, what to talk of poverty.

Don’t forget that very soon WB & IMF, may be tried for crimes against humanity; because your loans not only breeds and enhances corruption, they increase poverty, which also breeds terrorism.

Kindly immediately revisit all the inhuman terms and conditions of your loans, particularly given to the poor and developing countries; and also consider writing off these loans which are in fact, sucking blood from the poorest of the poor, to serve the lavish life styles of your employees, consultants, advisers and contractors etc.

So, this is the real face of the world loan giving agencies to the poor countries and then you have the audacity to ask questions and suggestions that how to end the poverty and hunger from the world, where EVERY NIGHT ONE BILLION PEOPLE SLEEP HUNGRY ON THIS PLANET.


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